Dowry Fire

  (In this poem the evils of dowry and its solution have been described)

Dowry Fire

It is said that the one above makes pairs!

Why do we take credit for this work done by the above?

Why take dowry to decorate this beautiful relationship?

 There is no fee and tax in making any other relationship, 

Why do we make marriage so expensive?

Daughter's father should give daughter also and dowry too!

Son's father should take the girl and dowry too!

I don't Know who made this strict rule?

And we blindly adopted it.

daughter's father after marriage,  

Pays off the debts of daughter's marriage for many years, 

daughter be happy 

He keeps on bowing down in front of the boys.

Hey boys! Don't open your mouth more than you can.

If you find a good girl, don't look into her father's pocket.

The pair which was sent by the one above with great leisure,

Don't be fooled and charge tax for joining him.

Dowry is the fire that destroys the beauty of the relationship.

Even if someone gives, even if someone takes, this fire keeps on spreading.

Let us together extinguish this fire with our understanding.

Enhance the beauty of the pair made by the above.

How good would that society be!

Where no one will be greedy and ask for dowry. 

Where no one will drown under debt by giving dowry. 

Then only love will be love in relationship,

And no relationship will break soon.


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