2nd October Gandhi Jayanti

2nd October Gandhi Jayanti 2 October is celebrated every year as the International Day of Non-Violence. In India, this day is a national holiday i.e. banks, offices, schools etc. remain closed. But like 15 August and 26 January, this day is also celebrated as a national festival. Let us find out more about why this day is so important. October 2, the birthday of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and International Day of Non-Violence Mahatma Gandhi, whom we know as the Father of the Nation and Bapu, and who played an important role in getting the country's independence by following his non-violent rules, was the birthplace of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.Therefore, we celebrate this day as his birthday. It was Bapu who taught the whole world to follow the path of non-violence and gave the message that one can be defeated even while walking on the path of non-violence, so on this day Biography of Mahatma Gandhi The full name of Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Kar...