Boss is always right.'

  (The statement 'Boss is always right' has been reviewed in this article.)

We always keep hearing the statement that the boss is always right ('Boss is always right').Even if his words are wrong, but the employees who are working under his leadership, they have to obey them and they console themselves by saying this statement,Boss is always right.'Let us review why we say so.

To save your job

Whenever the employer disputes with his employees unnecessarily or scolds him for some mistake which he has not done, at that time the employee also speaks bitterly of his employer. .  At such a time, if he says something, the employer will fire him, if the employee is afraid of this, then he calmly accepts it even if it is not his mistake, and comforts himself saying that 'Boss is always right'.

For the purpose of cheating

To flatter their master, many people even say yes to his every wrong thing, If someone interrupts them and explains that they should not support the wrong thing, then such people repeat it and explain to them that 'Boss is always right.'There can be many reasons for flattering the boss, among them the main reason being to maintain your dominance among other employees and get your promotion.

Because of timid nature

The nature of some employees is such that they are afraid to ask questions in front of them, so they feel afraid and hesitant to argue with their boss or express their point of view in front of them. Even if someone explains to them, they say that 'Boss is always right.' By saying this they try to hide their timid nature.

Because of some compulsion

Many times, due to some agreement already between the employee and the owner, they are compelled to accept the wrong words of their employer despite being right and sometimes they have to support them in the wrong work. While doing this, the soul of many tries to convince them, but they are compelled to say to their conscience that 'Boss is always right.'

'Boss is always right'Advantages of this sentence

Boss is always right' This one sentence does not cause a dispute between the owner and the employee. All the employees obey the boss and obey him and do as he pleases.

The self-respect of the owner remains, it never hurts us because no employee dares to dispute with him.

Sometimes employers get their employees to do more and more work even by paying less wages or less wages.

'Boss is always right' Because of this statement, even if the self-respect of the owner remains and there is loss of employees, but it also causes loss to the owner at times.

'Boss is always right disadvantages of this sentence

'Boss is always right' By this statement an employee saves himself and his job from many controversies, He also suffers many times and his self-confidence gets hurt, but due to this loss is also caused to a large extent by the owner running an organization.

Many times the owner takes some wrong decisions which are harmful for his organization, if an employee agrees to everything by saying yes, then his organization has to face loss due to this wrong decision. 

Many times the ego of the owner does not allow him to accept his mistake even if he is wrong and the employee is also compelled to accept his point. But due to this, when the owner or his organization has to face heavy loss, then the job of the employee is also affected by it.

'Boss is always right', accepting this fact, employees are not able to express their opinion on any issue.

If employees act out of fear to their boss, they may not be able to do as good a job as one would do with love and happiness.

Is the statement 'Boss is always right' really justified?

Sometimes the boss is more experienced, it is not appropriate to avoid his talk and at such times it seems appropriate to say that 'Boss is always right'.'But if the boss or boss is less experienced and addicted, he must also follow the advice of his employees. By doing this, he can take his organization in the right direction and can avoid losses.

When an employee is right in his work and unnecessarily any thing is imposed on him or he is exploited, then he should try to keep his point in front of his boss while saving his self-respect. At such a time, the statement that 'Boss is always right' is not appropriate, but he should try to prove his right. Sometimes due to some compulsion, most of the employees are not able to do this because they love their job more than their self respect to fulfill the responsibilities of the family. But by doing so they dedicate themselves to their exploitation by their boss, so they should take the right decision considering both their self-respect and their job.


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