Shrimadbhagwat Geeta

  (In this article Shrimad Bhagavad Gita which is a major preserve of Hinduism, it is the essence of some chapters, its importance, resolution and related.

What is Shrimad Bhagavad Gita?

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the extract of all the scriptures and Puranas of Sanatan Dharma. One who has read and understood the Bhagavad Gita, as if he has acquired the knowledge of all the Puranas and scriptures. It contains many mysteries of life 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the message of selfless devotion given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna, which is useful for all human beings. Reading this gives answers to almost all questions of life. This scripture is very useful not only for Hindus but for people of all religions.

Who is the author of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita?

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is a nectar emanating from the mouth of Lord Krishna himself, who is believed to be an incarnation of Vishnu. In the war of Mahabharata, when Arjuna starts running away from the war after falling in love, then in order to remove his face, God tries to explain him by giving different things and examples. He explains to them the secrets of the universe, and also gives them the vision of their own vast form. He explains all things like religion and adharma, sins and virtues, life and death etc.

Lord Krishna's explanation of supernatural things to Arjuna in this way is written in the Bhishmaparva of Mahabharata under 700 verses. It is written by Maharishi Vyas. These 18 chapters composed by Maharishi Vyasa in which 700 verses have been written, this later became popular as Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, which is said to be the essence of all knowledge.

How many chapters are there in Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta?

There are a total of 18 chapters in the Gita, in which about 700 verses are included. Each chapter is the culmination of knowledge in itself. Below are the names of all those chapter.

Chapter One: ArjunaVishada Yoga

In this chapter, this is a preface to the great preaching that Lord Krishna has given to the whole world in the form of Gita by making Arjuna an instrument. Taking his chariot between the two sides, Arjuna looks at the families of both the sides and his attachment towards relatives awakens.In it, Arjuna's sadness is described after enumerating the names of the main warriors of both the sides.

There are a total of 47 verses in the Arjuna Vishada Yoga chapter. 

Chapter II: Sankhya Yoga

In this second chapter of the Gita, Arjuna, seeing his relatives and relatives of both the armies, out of grief and attachment, refuses to fight and leaves his weapons and sits down to mourn. Then how did Shri Krishna prepare him for the war again, it has been told. Arjuna's deluded condition is described. Arjuna talks about his family's attachment to Lord Krishna and the Lord explains him by giving examples of different types of knowledge.

There are 72 verses in the Sankhya Yoga chapter.

 Chapter 3 Karma Yoga

In this chapter, Lord Shri Krishna, while describing the glory of Karmayoga, has told Arjuna to act by telling its nature. The place of fruitful action is described as very low as compared to karma yoga in the form of equanimity. Praising a man of equanimity, Arjuna was asked to join Karma Yoga and in a verse it is told that a wise man with wisdom attains the supreme position. The Lord explains the need for the conduct of various kinds of prescribed actions. Then, by the method of devotion-oriented workers, completely renouncing motherly power and desires, they command to do Prabhupratyarth Karma.

 There are total 43 verses in the Karmayoga chapter.

Chapter Four: Jnanakarma Sannyasa Yoga

In this chapter Lord Shri Krishna has explained in detail about Karma. He has described karma as higher and greater than sannyas and praised those who do karma in many ways. Through Karma Yoga, the philosophy of the devotee-Bhagvat form is automatically attained, so he has asked to get Karma Yoga.

 There are total 29 verses in the Gyankarma Sanyas Yoga Chapter. . 

Fifth Chapter: Karma Sanyas Yoga

 In this chapter, Arjuna has requested the Lord to know which of the two means of karma sannyasa and karma yoga are beneficial. . God has described both the means as beneficial. According to him, Karma Yoga is better than Karma Sannyasa because of the ease in the means, despite both being equal in results. Later, the nature of both those means, their method and their result have been explained very well. After this, after explaining the very useful and main remedies for both, in brief, meditation yoga has also been described. 

 There are a total of 42 verses in the chapter of Karmasanyasa Yoga. 

Chapter Six: Self-restraint

 In this chapter, the Lord has given a detailed description of meditation along with its part. Lord Krishna praises Karmayoga for inculcating in devotional Karmayoga. God has said in the last verse that the one who worships me with devotion and love by keeping the soul in me is a better yogi than all types of yogis, but without knowing the nature, qualities and effects of God.

   There are a total of 47 verses in the self-control chapter.

Chapter Seven: Gyan Vigyan Yoga

In this chapter, the Lord has described the types of hymns and their qualities, effects, and different types of Bhakti Yoga. God has promised Arjuna to be careful to hear the essence of the true nature.


  Reading Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta gives benefits only. Till date, whoever has taken refuge in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita has achieved a lot.


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