Laziness is the biggest enemy of man.
( In this article, declaring laziness as the reason for the failures of life, measures have been specified to avoid it and remove laziness.) What is laziness? Laziness is the lack of mental consciousness to do any work. That is, if we have been given some work or we need to do it, yet we do not feel like doing it, making some excuse or the other, postponing the work. This laziness can be of two types. First because of physical exhaustion, second because of thoughts of evil tendencies. The laziness which is caused due to physical exhaustion, we can easily overcome it by taking some rest and by some other measures, but if laziness is absorbed in our thoughts, then it can be done by any medicine.Such a person can drive away his laziness only by stumbling. To achieve success in our life when firm determination is taken, it removes all the evils of life including laziness. In fact, laziness and success cannot go together. If we do laziness, postpone everything to tomorrow, then by do...