Importance of Sports - Article

 ‌‌ Importance of Sports - Article

  Sports are those activities that keep our body and mind healthy in a way, which exercise our body and mind even if we do not want to. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, but sports have a special contribution to keep the body and mind healthy.In student life, various types of competitive games are organized for the students in schools, its goal is to develop the mental and physical development of the students. Students who participate in sports from time to time keep ahead in studies with the same agility and also do other activities with interest. Sports convert the nostalgia of our routine into happiness. Not only do we get entertained by sports, but seeing others playing also creates a wave of enthusiasm in our mind.Just like a good and tasty food is necessary for our body, similarly to keep our mind healthy, it also needs some form of entertainment from time to time. Sports are the best means of entertainment for us.


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