Laziness is the biggest enemy of man.

  (In this article, declaring laziness as the reason for the failures of life, measures have been specified to avoid it and remove laziness.)

What is laziness?

Laziness is the lack of mental consciousness to do any work. That is, if we have been given some work or we need to do it, yet we do not feel like doing it, making some excuse or the other, postponing the work. This laziness can be of two types. First because of physical exhaustion, second because of thoughts of evil tendencies.

The laziness which is caused due to physical exhaustion, we can easily overcome it by taking some rest and by some other measures, but if laziness is absorbed in our thoughts, then it can be done by any medicine.Such a person can drive away his laziness only by stumbling.

To achieve success in our life when firm determination is taken, it removes all the evils of life including laziness.

In fact, laziness and success cannot go together. If we do laziness, postpone everything to tomorrow, then by doing so we close the doors of success for ourselves. On the contrary, if we are the priests of success, then leaving behind laziness, pride and all evil, we live in success.

Laziness is the biggest enemy of man.

This sentence is 100% true, that laziness is the biggest enemy of man, because if we are virtuous and do not do laziness, then there is nothing in life that can stop us from becoming successful human beings. Whether he is a student, or an industrialist, if he does not do laziness, and is constantly engaged in his work, then surely he achieves progress. But the laziness keeps on making excuses only, when he fails, he blames others, curses his fate and finally sheds tears and spreads his hands in front of others.

Arjun and lord Sri Krishna

Lord Shri Krishna has also clarified to Arjuna about laziness in a verse of Bhagavad Gita, that only laziness is the biggest enemy of man in the world. This shloka is a famous shloka of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महा रिपु:।

नास्त्युउद्यम समो बंधु: कृत्वा यं नावसीदति।।

In this verse, Lord Krishna, while fleeing from the war, explains to Arjuna the path of action, explaining that "O Arjuna, his laziness residing in the body of man is his biggest enemy. There is no other friend of man than hard work, nothing in the world is impossible for the one who works hard.

It is also true, if we become under the control of bad qualities like laziness, then leaving everything on the fate of fate, we cannot make any effort for our future tomorrow.

If we talk about the student, who gets a unique time in the form of student life to decorate the golden dreams for his future, if in this student life he indulges in laziness, in food and other pleasures.That misery he may get in the form of failure in examination, after student life when he will enter household life, at that time may get in the form of suffering for his livelihood, without working hard to earn money.  But the truth is that without stumbling, laziness cannot be let go. Whether everyone will recover after stumbling, it can not even be said can.

If we talk about the housewife, then a lazy housewife cannot do all the work required for her family on time. If the housewife is a man of effort, then along with doing household chores, she is also capable of taking measures to increase livelihood.

If we talk about a businessman, then no businessman who is lazy can make progress. Instead, if he leaves laziness and starts pursuing his business, then he can definitely become a successful businessman.

Therefore, between us and success, there is only and only a wall named laziness, which we have to fall with firm determination, then only we will meet more success.

Causes of laziness and ways to overcome it

Often due to exhaustion in our body, we feel laziness due to lack of sleep, we can easily overcome this laziness by taking some rest and motivating ourselves.

Second, our thoughts are full of laziness, so they can be overcome only by good thoughts. We should consider the things explained by our elders, those who have achieved success in life, and should choose the path of action by leaving laziness.

Improve diet and routine

Our Tamasi food in which various types of fast food, fried things and more food all these generate laziness in our body. Therefore, we should reduce all these items in our diet and take their place with simple food which includes raw vegetables, fruits and other nutrients.

If there is a habit of sleeping late, then we should improve it, because more laziness is found in people who get up after sunrise.

Laziness can also be kept away from your body by yoga and meditation.

A goal and determination in life

If we have determined that we will never be lazy in life, then this determination is capable of removing laziness as well as other evils of life from us. All that is needed is a firm determination. Only those who have a goal of life can do this determination, we are committed to achieving that goal. Only a whiff of a determined determination can remove laziness from our lives forever and ever.

Now whenever you have laziness, definitely remind yourself that "laziness is man's worst enemy." Then you will treat laziness as you treat your enemy.


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